Playing the piano, in my wishful thinking, is a state of concentrated ease, contemplation, meditation, coming into the depth and coming to oneself; It creates a state of inner peace in a simultaneous covering with happiness hormones, when sound, space, spirit, compositional idea, body and time in the most ideal moments become one.

Then self-esteem even transcends itself and transcends into a state of self-forgetfulness: being in the moment because I step out of my ego and instead connect everything to everything and I am part of this living miracle.

I have never forgotten the impressive experiences of the time as an electronic live-performer, when absolutely unique moments were born between the audience and me from the ecstatic feedback.

At the beginning of last year, I started thinking about whether it is possible for me to combine the two worlds of experience – intimate piano playing and resonating with the audience – and found a way to try this out with the idea of performing “Workshop Concerts”.

Tino Pohlmann – Winter-Session

Every step (which is always rehersing) brings forward, brings new experiences and, associated with it, a growing certainty to overcome one’s own inner resistances and to do it as one wishes for all fears: to get one’s own permission, to try and make mistakes (to be as it is, just as one is: not better and not worse) without the horror ghost in the head, that would set the world for me.

“The little boat is to become seaworthy,” I wrote in January 2017. With this motto, I remain, mindful of the fact that it goes a bit further with each new ride and every new ride is a new adventure …

I’m looking forward to the 9th of December!