My yellow notebook – liner notes


Hi everyone,

After dropping my pseudonym Cosmic Baby I concentrated primarily on writing music. The public-oriented performer could take a step back and let the composer come forward. This gave me a lot of time and space and the peace and quiet needed for a long inner journey.

In a constant discourse between life and music I wanted to experiment with new forms, learn things, try out new stuff, throw out those things that weren’t working and combine things in a new way without any internal or external expectations or pressure to perform. Since 2008 I have devoted my energies once again to piano music. I returned to my beginnings: making music from the basic elements, concentrating on one instrument, my favorite instrument. Over the course of time, a musical form has developed that I would now like to present to the wider public within the foreseeable future.

And once you make that decision, then the next step is naturally to tell the public!

As preparation for everything that is about to come, I have decided to write texts that I will publish here on my Facebook page. I will open up my yellow notebook for you guys at open intervals. That is certainly going to be exciting. It means you can follow this as a work-in-process more or less live. But: I won’t just be writing text. Most of all I will be writing music. I have structured my whole day around this, to work with the utmost concentration, with my eyes clearly on the goal. Which means I won’t always be responding to your posts individually. This doesn’t mean I don’t really appreciate your feedback. But I want to communicate primarily via my music – you can look forward to small concerts soon and larger concerts further down the road…

So, till then! The first text from my “yellow notebook” will come the day after tomorrow. I have been thinking about the term neoclassicism which opens up a new (old?)  drawer. You’ll have to wait and see!